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Friday, July 20, 2012

“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa) – Comment

After doing some research on this controversial comment made in 1977, I understood many people thought it was out of pure ignorance that Frank Zappa said what he did; Zappa actually had absolutely no consideration for any journalists. He always said that journalists would never know anything about what they should be doing, had no idea about music and its history, and always knew what they wanted to say and find out before they even arrived at the interview.

Zappa was merely expressing his intense hate for rock journalists, but realized that without them, certain smaller target audiences are not reached. He realised that together the combination of the journalists work and the message of the artist was vital in this crucial marketplace and in establishing and providing understanding to his music.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A skill set called leadership

18 July 2012, Nelson Mandela, one of the world’s most influential leaders celebrates his 94th Birthday.

Mandela's extraordinary life and steadfast commitment to the principles of democracy and reconciliation continues to be a beacon for people of all backgrounds who strive for dignity, justice, and freedom.

I don’t think Mandela ever thought about whether or not he would ever become a leader. I truly believe Mandela just did it, and did it to the best of his ability. To me, those are the qualities you need to posses if you truly do want to become a leader.

Dream, Dream big! In fact – dream bigger that BIG. Then, with your every breath, thought and action, set out to make it happen. When your dream and actions inspire others to dream and act too, then you would know, yet another great leader is born.

My top 200 achievements

1.     Learning to ride a bicycle
2.     Tying my shoe laces for the first time
3.     Planting my first tree
4.     Holding my breath under water
5.     Washing my first car
6.     Doing my first oral presentation in front of the class
7.     Making it into an art eisteddfod
8.     Being a part of the A team hockey in Primary School
9.     Touring Durban with the Hockey side
10.  Running my first 5KM race
11.  Making my first Fire
12.  Braaing for the first time
13.  Setting up a tent
14.  Being chosen for an interschool’s captain
15.  Climbing the top of Lions Head at midnight
16.  Saving a person from drowning in Hermanus
17.  Getting an A for physiology in Matric
18.  Driving a car for the first time
19.  Obtaining my Drivers
20.  Water Skiing for the first time
21.  Earning my first salary
22.  Cooking my first real meal
23.  Buying my first car
24.  Moving to Town
25.  Cleaning my house for the first time
26.  Running a successful business with my sister in Green Market Square
27.  Running my first 10km race
28.  Organising a conference
29.  Riding Space Mountain rollercoaster in Paris
30.  Being accepted to CPUT
31.  Passing a few subjects with distinctions
32.  Coming top 10 for a speech competition
33.  Starting a blog
34.  Writing my first published article
35.  Receiving my national diploma in PR
36.  Moving out again
37.  Using public transport for the first time
38.  Climbing to the top of St Paul’s Cathedral
39.  Changing my first car tire
40.  Painting an entire room
41.  Catching my first fish

To be continued…..

Monday, July 9, 2012

What motivates me?

What motivates me is other peoples aspirations to conquer and complete insane dreams! I’m a realist so I am forever shutting myself down of what is completely possible by thinking practically. When I hear someone speaking of an amazing thing they would like to accomplish, I then stop and say to myself “why can’t I think like that?”. Why am I not capable of something like that? Truth is, everybody is, you just need to believe in yourself. The people around me have forced me to think like this. People motivate me.

10 Most unexpected consequences of being online

 1.     Having your ‘friends’ tracking your every move because some people can’t help ‘checking others in’…

       2.     Being begged by your mother to accept her friend request

       3.     Putting up a Facebook status about your boss or work forgetting that they are one of your ‘friends’

       4.     Becoming way too comfortable to chatting online that you become incapable of communicating face-to-face

       5.     Figuring out that a person’s Facebook profile picture doesn’t actually look anything like them

       6.     Knowing peoples whereabouts, including bed and the gym! Come on people! Seriously

       7.     Everyone is always available, no private life

       8.     Pinterest – Now we can share ideas too

       9.     Banking=convenience

     10.     Having a full on interactive conversation with a friend who is on the other side of the planet! Priceless