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Thursday, September 27, 2012

My favorite Dr Seuss book is ‘Horton hears a who’

I can’t remember ever really reading Dr Seuss books when I was younger but when I got a little older I started to realize that they were influential in children’s lives. I took it upon myself to show an interest in some of the books, my favorite one being ‘Horton hears a who’

Horton is a lovable, elephant with big ears and an even bigger heart. When a sound from a small puff of dust catches Horton’s ear, he’s blown away by the idea that there could be an entire world just like his floating around unseen. He makes it his business to protect the little Whos and their world on the speck of dust. Convincing his friends he isn't crazy turns out to be a harder job than protecting a tiny world of invisible people.

I often wondered if there was a world other than ours that existed. Have you ever thought how perhaps there is an entire functioning planet that lives on our noses, and that every time we sneeze they have an earthquake? It’s something to consider I think.
I appreciate the fact that Dr Seuss made it possible for us to open our minds up. He made it possible for us to imagine!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Why I have conversations....

Conversations mean more than the movement of words from one person to another. I love sharing other people’s views on certain matters. More specifically, having a conversation with someone particularly interesting can open your eyes up to things you've never realized. Like chatting to someone that’s been overseas before, or that’s been on a crazy journey, or experienced a traumatic thing, these are all things that make conversations truly awesome.
I love having conversations!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

100 things I'd like to do before I die

11.       To sit on Monaco beach with a drink
22.       To eat a pizza in Italy
33.       Travel Route66 on a Harley Davidson
44.       Hire a camper van and travel France
55.       Ibiza!
66.       Climb Table Mountain
77.       Cycle the Argus
88.       Visit the great Wall of china
99.       Climb a pyramid in Egypt
110.   Ride a camel through Sahara Desert
111.   Attend cooking classes
112.   Make Sushi
113.   Bake a good tasting cake
114.   Paint a masterpiece
115.   Walk in the Amazon
116.   Hike to the first level on Kilimanjaro
117.   Create my own garden
118.   Be part of building a house for underprivileged
119.   Sing Karaoke in China
220.   Visit Hong Kong
221.   Travel in a yellow cab in New York
222.   Make a call from a Red phone booth in UK
223.   Scuba in Zanzibar
224.   Work at a beach bar
225.   Host Christmas lunch
226.   Paraglide
227.   Visit Machu-Picchu
228.   See Victoria Falls
229.   Bake oven bread
330.   Paint a masterpiece
331.   Design my own home
332.   Have kids
333.   Climb to the top of the Eifel Tower
334.   Open a coffee shop
335.   Become fit
336.   Run the New York marathon
337.   Attend Tomorrowland in Europe
338.   Ride a bicycle through Amsterdam
339.   Ride a canoe through the Alps
440.   Do a graffiti piece
441.   Learn to play a guitar
442.   Learn to use a film camera
443.   Build an album with film photos
444.   Horse ride in Fuji
445.   Stay in a wooden house in Bali
446.   Eat a curry in India
447.   Teach myself how to use Photoshop
448.   Swim in the ocean in Cancun Mexico
449.   Go to Walt Disney World in Florida
550.   Gamble in Vegas
551.   Drive up the Hollywood Hills
552.   Be a part of a flash mob
553.   Make a bottle of wine
554.   Visit the Guggenheim
555.   Attend a beer festival in Germany
556.   Sit on a bench in Central Park, New York
557.   Visit Greek Isle
558.   Visit Phi Phi Islands, Thailand
559.   Sky dive
660.   Go on a boat cruise
661.   Travel on the Blue Train
662.   Watch the Olympics
663.   Go on a yacht down Camps Bay Beach
664.   Try acupuncture
665.   Give up smoking

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My big fat BIG dream....

Throughout my entire life I've filled my mind up with big fat dreams I would like to achieve and conquer. Whether or not these dreams actually happen is a different story. As I get older I find my dreams change too, they develop into unimaginable ideas that remove me from normality, this could be the result of merely just wanting to escape, get away, and break free.

I'm a realist so dreaming is hard for me, but I do often wonder about things that I'd really like to do. I watch movies and am influenced by amazing scenery and intense locations.

What it all boils down to basically is my big fat dream to travel the world!

Conventional is good fallback position isn’t it??

If I were to do everything conventionally it would be easy to call me a vibracrete wall.
Boring in colour, flat surfaced, easy to assemble and tasteless.  All of which I am most definitely not. Although a lot of the time you do feel stuck between a rock and hard place, conventional should never be the option.
When one agrees to just do the bare minimum, or all that is required of them, you will often find that you will never be able to exceed expectations. It might be a safe option to be conventional, but no one likes boring. What defines each of us individually by our characters is our ability to all be different. Being conventional puts you in a subculture that just gets by by doing all they need to. Go the extra mile, put in the extra effort, make the difference.

Monday, September 10, 2012

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time.

Chasing two rabbits at the same time could leave you in a state. Having one focus and one goal once at a time is better.
Think about it, it’s a Friday night and you have a decision to go to two parties. You are torn. You decide to go to the one, leave a little earlier and then join the other where you spend the rest of your eve. The party you left first you clearly thought less off than the one you ended your night at. In the end you are left feeling exhausted and not having enjoyed your night.
Have one focus and one goal. Take one step at a time, Having multiple goals will just wear you out and it will make it almost impossible for you to even acknowledge the end result.

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain).

What this statement means is that when a person only has one idea they can become so consumed in it, they lack the ability to see a world of other opportunities that are available.
It’s awesome having a focus point in your life, but it can land you in hot water if it’s only one. What happens if that idea fails and does not become a reality, one may end up with nothing at all.
You need to set goals in all sectors of your life. Your career, your family, your fortune as well as your health, and for each goal more than one idea on how to achieve it. We also need to be flexible with our ideas so that we don’t find ourselves stuck when trying to execute something, and we are quickly able to move onto the next one, or adjust it appropriately to give us our required end result.

Have u figured out the second head fake?

For many this might seem a confusing question. Second head what! This question refers to Randy Pausch Last Lecture: How to achieve your Childhood Dreams. 
Professor Randy Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon gave his last lecture in which he spoke of working hard, achieving your own dreams, overcoming obstacles, seizing every moment… and at the end of his speech asked the following:
Did you figure out the head fake? It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life.
Did you figure out the second head fake? The talk’s not for you. It’s for my kids. The 'Head fake' he refers to means to learn something indirectly, when you are not even aware that there is a lesson in the message. 
An example could be wearing a school uniform every day, over and above all looking the same at school, it teaches you the rules of neatness, having pride in yourself and sticking to rules.
We should not plan our life and do the deeds that will hopefully make our dreams come true, we should just live a good life to the fullest! If we do, we will be able to reach our dreams in some or other way… even indirectly!

Monday, August 6, 2012

I am....

the person who creates ease in an awkward situation, the one who laughs during random conversation, the person who asks the silly question during a presentation, and cries during animal mutilation, wants coffee during middle night communication, gets angry about confrontation and thrives on maximization, has learnt through education and lives in a country that's full of expectations...

Friday, July 20, 2012

“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa) – Comment

After doing some research on this controversial comment made in 1977, I understood many people thought it was out of pure ignorance that Frank Zappa said what he did; Zappa actually had absolutely no consideration for any journalists. He always said that journalists would never know anything about what they should be doing, had no idea about music and its history, and always knew what they wanted to say and find out before they even arrived at the interview.

Zappa was merely expressing his intense hate for rock journalists, but realized that without them, certain smaller target audiences are not reached. He realised that together the combination of the journalists work and the message of the artist was vital in this crucial marketplace and in establishing and providing understanding to his music.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A skill set called leadership

18 July 2012, Nelson Mandela, one of the world’s most influential leaders celebrates his 94th Birthday.

Mandela's extraordinary life and steadfast commitment to the principles of democracy and reconciliation continues to be a beacon for people of all backgrounds who strive for dignity, justice, and freedom.

I don’t think Mandela ever thought about whether or not he would ever become a leader. I truly believe Mandela just did it, and did it to the best of his ability. To me, those are the qualities you need to posses if you truly do want to become a leader.

Dream, Dream big! In fact – dream bigger that BIG. Then, with your every breath, thought and action, set out to make it happen. When your dream and actions inspire others to dream and act too, then you would know, yet another great leader is born.

My top 200 achievements

1.     Learning to ride a bicycle
2.     Tying my shoe laces for the first time
3.     Planting my first tree
4.     Holding my breath under water
5.     Washing my first car
6.     Doing my first oral presentation in front of the class
7.     Making it into an art eisteddfod
8.     Being a part of the A team hockey in Primary School
9.     Touring Durban with the Hockey side
10.  Running my first 5KM race
11.  Making my first Fire
12.  Braaing for the first time
13.  Setting up a tent
14.  Being chosen for an interschool’s captain
15.  Climbing the top of Lions Head at midnight
16.  Saving a person from drowning in Hermanus
17.  Getting an A for physiology in Matric
18.  Driving a car for the first time
19.  Obtaining my Drivers
20.  Water Skiing for the first time
21.  Earning my first salary
22.  Cooking my first real meal
23.  Buying my first car
24.  Moving to Town
25.  Cleaning my house for the first time
26.  Running a successful business with my sister in Green Market Square
27.  Running my first 10km race
28.  Organising a conference
29.  Riding Space Mountain rollercoaster in Paris
30.  Being accepted to CPUT
31.  Passing a few subjects with distinctions
32.  Coming top 10 for a speech competition
33.  Starting a blog
34.  Writing my first published article
35.  Receiving my national diploma in PR
36.  Moving out again
37.  Using public transport for the first time
38.  Climbing to the top of St Paul’s Cathedral
39.  Changing my first car tire
40.  Painting an entire room
41.  Catching my first fish

To be continued…..

Monday, July 9, 2012

What motivates me?

What motivates me is other peoples aspirations to conquer and complete insane dreams! I’m a realist so I am forever shutting myself down of what is completely possible by thinking practically. When I hear someone speaking of an amazing thing they would like to accomplish, I then stop and say to myself “why can’t I think like that?”. Why am I not capable of something like that? Truth is, everybody is, you just need to believe in yourself. The people around me have forced me to think like this. People motivate me.

10 Most unexpected consequences of being online

 1.     Having your ‘friends’ tracking your every move because some people can’t help ‘checking others in’…

       2.     Being begged by your mother to accept her friend request

       3.     Putting up a Facebook status about your boss or work forgetting that they are one of your ‘friends’

       4.     Becoming way too comfortable to chatting online that you become incapable of communicating face-to-face

       5.     Figuring out that a person’s Facebook profile picture doesn’t actually look anything like them

       6.     Knowing peoples whereabouts, including bed and the gym! Come on people! Seriously

       7.     Everyone is always available, no private life

       8.     Pinterest – Now we can share ideas too

       9.     Banking=convenience

     10.     Having a full on interactive conversation with a friend who is on the other side of the planet! Priceless

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Elephant in the room

When watching local television one can’t help but wonder why most programs nowadays do not have a fair representation of color and culture amongst actors and actresses.
Why is this? With no disrespect or racial connotation on this topic, it still keeps me wondering why this is the case.
Watching local soapies, you are able to distinctively notice that there are predominantly black and colored actors on TV. Those few that have made it to the TV are brilliant at what they do but am I the only one that notices this imbalance? I believe that local television should be a proper reflection of all races in South Africa, and the fact that we have 11 official languages just emphasizes the fact that it is that much more important….
If you have taken offence to this, you have definitely read this incorrectly.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Everyday is a good day

I completely disagree with this.
What is good day anyway? If you’re feeling down due to relationship issues, is that good? If you’re shouted at by your boss, is that good? If you’ve been in a car accident, is that good? To say everyday is a good day is being extremely hopeful. I have good days yes, but I also have really terrible days too.
The answer to having a good day doesn’t depend on simple things such as the weather or your quality of sleep you got the night before. It is the practice of going beyond events. It is taking judgment out of the equation and replacing it with awareness, observation and mindfulness. Put another way: every day is joyful if we leave our opinion out of it…

Our greatest strenghs are our greatest weaknesses

Sometimes one is able to realise that their greatest strength might be their biggest weakness.
1. being great at talking means you talk too much. Listen more
2. If you listen too much. Talk more
3. If you are always on time. Be late for once
4. If you are always walked over. Confront more
5. If you are a good organiser. Be more flexible
6. If you are a detailed person. Be less rigid, try things more

Striving for excellence and trying to be the best at everything doesn’t always have positive outcomes. Sometimes your strengths can be detrimental to your character too…
Something to keep in mind-

Try a cliché

Clichés let people in your office feel important, responsive, responsible, when in fact, it is furthering the miseducation of our business work force. Reverse the trend, say what you mean and know what you are saying.
Here are some common cliché’s that all of us experience around us a lot of the time.
Personally these make me cringe…
1. Content is king
2. Work around
3. Best practices
4. Thinking outside of the box
5. Going forward
6. Optimization

Feelings follow behavior

Ever heard someone complain about how much they drank last night and as a result of it, never want to drink again. Having a hangover isn’t a nice thing but you are the only person that was able to put yourself in that position. The feeling you have during a hangover is a result of your drinking the night before. Although at that time you were probably feeling absolutely great, I’m sure you had no idea what was in for you. The title ‘Feelings follow behavior’ ties in significantly with what I’ve written above. And for all you people that can’t handle your alcohol maybe thinking about what you’re going to feel like the next day before you pour that vodka lime again.

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot I had a fantastic childhood, but my word was I cheeky. I can remember getting a few klaps over the head as a result of my cheekiness. My father died when I was 12, and I somehow wish I had shut my mouth more often and just been able to sit back and listen to things he had to tell me. I learnt a lesson from this, shut your mouth and allow someone to talk to you as much as you can handle it. One day you’ll turn around and they won’t be there. Having a loud mouth doesn’t get you anywhere, and you merely just prohibiting someone else from saying what they feel is important. If you possess this characteristic you might find that shutting up a bit more than you usually do can actually be beneficial to you. Sometimes biting your tongue isn’t such a bad thing.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wedding cake in the middle of the road,r:7,s:183,i:20
So, some idiot in charge of the cake dropped it in the middle of the road. If the word ‘wedding’ wasn’t in this topic I’d have plenty to say about it. My understanding for something like this happening doesn’t resemble any symbolism except stupidity perhaps. Here are some of my own tips that could come in handy when carrying a cake: 1. Use two hands to carry, unless you’ve had cake carrying training 2. Carry your cake; don’t put in on the back of a bakkie! 3. Use the right ingredients and bake properly, you are not Cake Boss 4. The higher, the more hideous, so try avoid high cakes 5. Test your cake on a washing machine before transporting it…just incase 6. Never carry a cake again.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself…
I’ve recently hit a crossroad in my life where I’ve come to realise that one needs to use the time we have to do everything that we desire to. I’ve realised that you can’t sit around and wait for things to happen, you need to make them happen yourself. Working a 9-5 job doesn’t qualify you for anything, it merely facilitates a salary for you to do the same thing the following month.

This brought me to think about where I want to be, the places I want to see, as well as the people I want to meet. I think we are capable of so much more than we think. Taking a chance at life and doing something out of the ordinary could make your life that much more special. A lot of us find ourselves telling our own brains that sitting in 2 hours of traffic everyday is just something we have to do, and being stressed out is all part of life. Bullshit! You can change those things. You just need to make it happen yourself.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Do we REALLY trust?
Recently I read a news article about a 2 year old little girl who had been stabbed, while her mother popped out, by a man that was staying in the Wendy house provided by her mother in the backyard. The mother, who was convinced she knew the man well enough to have left her child with him, was devastated and disgusted when she found out he was the killer.

Trust is a powerful word that takes time to build with something or someone. The problem with trust is that one person could feel completely different about what it means; they could interpret it totally different to another person. How do we draw the line between someone we can trust and someone we can’t? Is trust a thing of the past in South African society?

Not all who wonder are lost...

I wonder. I wonder a lot actually, but not because I’m lost but because wondering invites new content into our minds. We were designed humans and given brains for our own utilisation. Each individual allows themselves there own capacity to wonder.

Perhaps serious people don’t allow it enough. To me, wondering is something important, it gets you thinking about other things, makes you think of old memories, gives you a reminder about what inspires you and where you going in life.

Imagine not being able to wonder. Would we not be limiting our own brain capability, stopping our imaginations, our dreams, what makes us happy and what inspires us?....

Not all who wonder are lost

Friday, March 30, 2012

It’s holiday time…
You can always feel when Easter is approaching. We get our first slice of cold weather, well for us Capetonians at least, the roads seem ridiculously full, and there are more than the normal amount of people around in the streets as well as out and about.

My plan for this Easter is to get away from Cape Town. Open my mind up to some inspiration; see something different other than a class room, some different people other than my class mates, because, that’s where I’ve been for the entire term.

My point that I’d like to make is, consider giving yourself some time to relax this holiday. Don’t over do it, don’t under do it. Allow yourself the space to breath and relax. This is important for you. Over and above that, have fun!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How do you step from a 100-foot Pole?
You know the saying you dig your grave now sleep in it. Trying to step down from a 100-foot pole could seem challenging, but how the hell did you get up there in the first place?

Some people might find it challenging once being very successful in life to ground oneself. Someone said to me the other day,’ No matter how executive or important you are, there should be no reason for you to speak to anyone differently because of the position you are in. Grounding yourself is vital to everyday life. Have a clear understanding of where you are, and don’t get caught up in the moment, otherwise you’ll find yourself having to jump down to the ground. In most cases you’ll never be able to get up again and gain the respect you had when starting at the bottom. Expect to be treated the way you treat others.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Eyes wide open
A few months ago I was given the opportunity to help organise a conference at the Upper East Side hotel in Woodstock. The conference took the form of a retreat for 20 delegates from around the world who all sit on the board for the Global Fund. The Global Fund represents civil society and all the NGO's that support TB and HIV. People from as far as Hong Kong, Jamaica, Panama all such passionate activists in their different fields. I learnt so much from them. What inspirational people.

To hear some of the things these people have done in their lives is really remarkable. Although I do not sit on the board, I was still apart of the meetings, so I was able to really get to know everyone properly.
The experience really opened up my eyes to new possibilities. There is so much more out there than just Cape Town, as much as I love my home!

We are what we do
Ever watched the series Jersey Shore? OMG
After some one had given it to me, I decided to see what all the good and bad fuss was about.
In my existence I have never come across a bunch of people like these. And, if one day I do, someone please slap me not once but twice through the face. What a culture shock!

To link to my point, these people are what they do. They have subjected themselves to being scrutinized and judged by the public because of the way they act. They are aggressive, provocative, sexist you name it, they are the epitome of reality TV, South Park has even made a mockery of some of them.

If you’ve never heard of the term Guido’s and Guidettes, please do yourself a favour!

Friday, March 16, 2012

We are afraid of the wrong things,r:19,s:235
Africa united behind Ghana's Black Stars in the quarterfinal

I remember that day, the sun was shining, the people were out, yellow was all around and you could hear vuvuzela sounds all the way into Gardens, Cape Town and further up the mountain. It was insane.

Myself, as well as a few friends decided to get ready and make our way to the Parade grounds in the CBD for the opening. Everyone fully geared, kitted in yellow.

I could describe it as one of my proudest moments. It could counter any bad thing that’s ever been said about this country. It proved to the world that we are not a poverty stricken corrupt government-owned country. We are more than that!

My point is; many doubted what South Africa was capable of during FIFA2012, and look what happened, look how it turned out. We are afraid of the wrong things..

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Culture Shark!

A picture taken from an Adventure sports website of a Adult swimming in a cage near sharks. This is typically what shark cage diving is all about in Cape Town.,r:2,s:21

Doesn’t it sometimes scare you how Cape Town is the home of sharks. Just admitting I’m surrounded by shark infested waters scares the daylights out of me.

When visitors come to visit Cape Town, I always find it hysterically funny when they fill their agenda’s up with shark cage diving and other extreme adventurous activities.

For those of you who aren’t aware, yes we have sharks in the water, and yes they do eat you. Don’t be fooled.

I’m Capetonian and have never ever in my life thought of going shark cage diving.
After watching Infamous shark attack survivor, Micheal Cohen’s lifeless body floating over a wave just after being mauled by a shark, I couldn’t think of anything worse than coming face-to-face with one.

On the other side of things, could you just imagine being the visitor that coincidently visited that specific spot on that day which resulted in him or her being the witness to a gruesome event such as that? I couldn’t.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fish falling from the sky!

Recently I discovered a horrifying video on the web where a taxi driver violently hit a pedestrian over and then again with his mini-bus, and thereafter pursued to kick him in the face!
I couldn’t believe what I had just seen. The anger with which the taxi driver did that to the pedestrian was almost sickening. Who does that? Like fish falling from the sky?
Never in a million years would I ever think I’d see that happening on a video in front of my face.
I thought to myself, hell, if this is what the world is seeing about South Africa, imagine what they are thinking! Something needs to happen in our society for the world to see we are undoubtedly so much better than what’s perceived out there…